The Circular Theory

Everything's A Circle: Basis for Reality

Mind - Absolute Intelligence

E=mc2 is Einstein's conservation of energy relationship. Energy is conserved as a relationship of mass and the speed of light. Energy, mass and light are related and joined within a closed system, and, therefore, as a basic circle.

The circular relationship among energy, mass and light, is an essential key to understanding reality. Energy and mass are form and substance in time and space (producing light, or speed, and sound, or size). All symmetries. All circles. All conserved.

Light and sound are two different versions of the same one-dimensional circle. E=mc2 or c2 = e/m is a roadmap, or symbol, for how all things are organized: a constant produces the relationship of two entities, or a conservation is always dependent on a symmetry of some kind (Emmy Noether's theorem). This is another way of saying substance is always moving.

Energy, mass and light are three different versions, or articulations, of substance and movement, within the same one-dimensional circle. This produces fast, faster and fastest, or relative speed. Energy, mass and light is the circle expressing itself as a line (light is an infinite line).

Form, substance and sound, are three different versions, or articulations, of substance and movement, within the same one-dimensional circle. This produces big/small, bigger/smaller, and biggest/smallest, or relative size. Form, substance and sound is the line expressing itself as a circle (sound is an infinite circle).

All entities share the same circular sound and light or size and speed dynamics. Entites know, recognize, or experience each other by relative speed and size, or relative light and sound. Relative speed and size (light and sound) is detected when an entity moves. All entities operate in the same way (all circles).

Literal and Figurative Circle

The circle is the basis for all conservation(s) (Ï€ = c/d :: c2=e/m). The formula of the circle provides the general or universal roadmap for how all things are organized. The circle is the basis for Einstein's Conservation of Energy.

Integrating the literal (specific) and figurative (symbolic) interpretation of Einstein's theory of relativity demonstrates the relationships of energy and mass, form and substance, time and space, substance and movement, conservation and symmetry are circular, perpetual, and indestructible.

C2=e/m (e=mc2) is both an abstract/concrete idea and a hidden/showing reality (basis for reality in general):

Abstract/Concrete Idea (c2=e/m)

Constant = Conservation/Symmetry ::

Pi = Circle/Diameter ::

Circle = Symbol/Opposite

Hidden/Showing Reality (c2=e/m)

Symbol = Time/Space (Pi) ::

Light = Energy/Mass (Line) ::

Sound = Form/Substance (Circle)

Energy - Light - Line

E=mc2 is a literal equation that defines physical reality as the relationship of energy, mass and light. Energy transforms into mass, mass transforms into energy. The relationship produces, and is dependent on, light. Energy, mass and light are conserved as a result, and because, of this constant relationship. Light is an infinite line.

Mass - Sound - Circle

E = mc2 is also a figurative expression that defines physical reality as the relationship of form, substance, and sound. Form (e) transforms into substance (m), substance transforms into form. The relationship produces, and is dependent on, sound (c2). Form, substance and sound are conserved as a result, and because, of this constant relationship. Sound is an infinite circle.

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